Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tallinn's Towers

Tallinn's old city is dominated by several different towers on churches, etc. Today, because it was sunny, I decided to tackle Tallinn's towers. I figured I needed a workout. For the most part you travel up to the towers around centuries old spiral staircases where rope has been added as a handrail. From the top of each one, you got a slightly different view of the city, and of the people below. I am not sure what it is that makes people want to climb towers, but I do like to view things from above. I have learned over the years that pictures taken from a tower (or other high viewing type platform) are not very interesting cityscapes of roofs and a few other distinguishable sights.

But I guess I am a slow student. Once I have made my way up the narrow twisted steps, avoiding the people coming down, and not tripping up the uneven stairs, I am rewarded with amazing views of a city. I guess somewhere in there I want to take that view, the accomplishment of climbing, with me. I want to capture the image. I know that these pictures never quite capture this image in my head. They haven't for me over the years. Did that stop me? Nope. I clicked away with the best of them today. Maybe not the best pictures for others to look at, but I hope that they help me remember the beautiful day, the amazing scenery and the warm sun.

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