Saturday, March 08, 2008

Finally in Mexico City

Well I hopped on my plane this morning at 6:00am! Thanks for Nisa who made the trek to Bradley, even if Starbucks wasn´t open. To be honest, I am not sure I ever really want to get up that early again!

In typical fashion I packed late, didn´t sleep too much (afraid I wouldn´t get up) and got to airport and crashed on both planes. I think that really is the way to go. It makes the trip a bit faster. I did watch Enchanted on the plane. Have you seen this movie? It is a bit ridiculous.

Got to Mexico, got through customs...I have to say they have a little bit of an interesting contraption for Customs. You push a button, Red you go through, green you get searched. Glad I was red. Off I go in search of the metro. It was actually a very nice and clean system, at least compared to what I have read. Interesting to note on the Metro, the wheels of the trains are rubber (like tires) so it makes for a smooth and quiet ride. I was impressed.

I decided to got to the Hostel Catedral. It is a big hostel located just behind the big cathedral in Mexico City. I figured this way it would be central and easy to find! I elected again to stay in a dorm and there are only four beds. That is nice. I of course got the bed closest to the door, but I will survive. I have sheets, blankets and a pillow. Only $14 a night. You can´t go wrong.

I checked out the Cathedral today and this area called the the Zocalo. It is right in the center of the historic zone of the city, and it is nice and quite manageable. You begin to feel really safe and happy and then you see the policia walking around with the bullet proof vests on. Shame. The Zocalo is now home to an exhibit by Gregory Colbert. It is this traveling art show but it is pretty impressive. Basically I had no idea what this massive temporary building was. It was made of moving containers, bamboo, water, and a some other wood. Basically, pretty strange to be in the middle of this square. So I jumped in line, having a few hours to kill, and waited to see what it was. It was amazing. There are HUGE photos on canvas hanging over a little stream that runs throughout this enormous structure. The photos are of people and animals and are really striking. There are also three movies (poetic haikus, they were called). It is hard to explain but was really very cool. The exhibit is called Ashes and Snow. Check it out:

I think tomorrow I will continue to wander around the old city and see the sights!

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