Monday, March 18, 2013

Deep and Cheap in Siem Reap

One thing about cambodia is that all the service type industry is very very cheap. Labor comes at a cost, but it seems here that the cost is very low.

I arrived safely at the airport (which is super nice by the way) purchased my third visa of the trip and made my way out to grab a cab back into the city. Figuring that it would be about seven bucks, not a huge deal. When I got to the desk to order the taxi (common I the developing world so people aren't overwhelmed by a taxi driver scrum), the man at the desk suggested that I only needed a Moto taxi. I figured a cab, or a tuk tuk, but he said no for two bucks I could take the Moto to town. With my backpack. So the back pack goes in the front of the driver, I sit behind with the little pack on and we weave and bob through traffic, cars, buses, tut tuks, motos. It is amazing. It doesn't really matter what lane you are in. or who is coming at upon. This was a first for me. On the back of a bike, with all my stuff. Dont worry, there were no helmets, so I could feel the wind in my hair and listen to the drivers sales pitch.

As part of the service industry, Cambodia is very bug on its massages. The "Khmer style" massages are cheap and everywhere. It is basically a it of reflexology, acupressure, and massage. The deal is that these people arent messing around. The really go after you, especially If your muscle is tender or sore. Talk about a deep tissue massage. They are quiet satisfying and actually feel very good. But as in the western world these massage places are sometimes a front for the flesh trade. Nearly every westerner is accosted walking down the street with offers of massages....and sometimes a bit more! You have to be careful!

I have found an organization in most major Cambodian cities called Seeing Hands. This group trains blind people in the art of the Khmer massage. And with them, it is really a massage. So I have been frequenting this place. It is nice to know what you are getting, it is nice to know I am helping support a great organization...I am doing my civic duty! I have been most days. After trekking around some temples, or walking a city, it is a nice way to end the day. Why so often? Well at five bucks an hour, how can you pass it up?

Night sleeper bus to Sihanoukville tonight. I am wondering what is all about!

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