Thursday, March 25, 2010

Can't get out, can't get in

Petra was even better on the second day. I was able to wander through the ancient city at my own pace, seeing amazing temples, tombs, etc. I went all the way out to the Monastery. So impressive and then a bit further to do a bit of a hike into the mountains. It was great scenery. You could even see bits of the Dead Sea from the Petra mountains. It was an incredible day. Warm, but not hot, sunny, but not scorching, breezy, but not windy. Really a nice way to spend the day. It is hard to describe Petra in a few words. At some point I will post some pictures, but even they can't do it justice. I loved being there. Jordan was worth the trip.

The nitty gritty details however, are not as fun. I was saddled with a new roommate whiel there. He and I got along fine and spent the day together. Why not. Interestingly, when we got back to the ferry to take us back to Egypt, we weren't on the list. Another one of those Seinfeld moments. We can't get on the boat. Jordanian officials won't stamp our passports to leave. Why? Not becuase we have don anything wrong, etc. Just because we aren't on the list. Sort of felt left out in the cold. After much cell phone calling and yelling in arabic at each other, the captain comes to say that we can't leave and must stay in Jordan. We refuse. He says sorry Jordan won't let us out and Egypt won't let us in becuase we aren't on the list. "No, we are going on the boat" "No. Sorry sir, you can't". "How can we make this work?" More cell-phoning, more talking, the Jordanian officials get off the boat. They refuse to talk to us. the captain, takes our passports. He disappears, he returns, gives tht passports to the officials, they look at them, give them back. The passports disappear for a while. They come back to us. The captain reappears and asks if they were stamped. Yes! go ahead and take your chances in Egypt.

In Egypt, they were not happy we weren't on the list. They checked and double checked, yelled in arabic. Yelled at me in Arabic. I just smiled! finally they stamp the damn thing and we are in! yay. Then are ride is not there. we call, he is on his way. Arrive safely in Dahab and find a beer or two! What craziness!

Today I slept in, went for a dive and notw am kicking back. Tomorrow, I am off on a bus to Cairo, to the airport for the journey back to reality. Did I mention that I am loving Dahab? I dont' really want to leave!

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